
It aint matter what your camera is

You might be wondering why I've been lacking on blog post lately, aside from looking for a job (which I started to do now.) my sisters camera are quite on a operation due to its flash that stopped working, pfft.. 
and so I rummage through some cabinets to find any old camera or digital cam wherein a could snap on a rainy day.

as you all figured it out: I really love taking pictures on a cloudy/ rainy day where the weather is so
lousy and yet comforting.

now I figured it out already that the difference between dslr and digi-cams (aside from its pixels) is that its more "shaky" and you couldn't do anything about it, adjust anything there's none!

scrunchy leaves

and this is my favorite out of all these digi-cam pictures. I always see these outside my bedrrooms 
window and kinda thought how fascinating it was; lalo na pag gabe! horror tree.